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【STAFF BLOG】First Snow Day
















Last week Thursday, January 6th, was the first snow day of this winter, of this new year, and of my 2nd child’s life.

Luckily, this was on my day off and we were able to go to a nearby park and play in the snow as a family.

We didn’t stay out long, and when we got home the cold wet clothes my kids were wearing finally started to shock them and make them cold,

but growing up in Hawaii I never got to play in the snow as a kid. And I was so full of joy and excitement that I could experience something new like this with my kids.

I don’t know how long I will have this feeling of awe each time it snows but I hope that it lasts for a long time.

And afterward, even though I was so tired and was ready to sleep, I could feel that in my heart, my life-joy meter had been refilled.

I was talking with a friend/friends over the winter break and we were reminded of how we as human beings rationalize everything we see. Things that might seem amazing and ridiculous to someone who has never had such things before, because it is in our life all the time, we become accustomed to having it and it no longer seems as amazing as it once did.

But if you really think about it, we are surrounded by miracles.

From Electricity (that started with a lightbulb and now powers the tiny supercomputers we call smartphones that we carry around all day) to air and spacecraft (that can carry us into the skies like birds and even farther than that, into space where we enter an even larger and more vast universe that is always there but we rarely think of or consider. Even the phenomenon of frozen water falling from the sky as a result of the tilt of our planet in relation to its orbit around the sun.

When we take a second to appreciate the miracles of our lives each day and the miracles we are blessed with, we can have much more fulfilling lives. And at this time of the year, when we reinvigorate ourselves and make goals for self-improvement, let’s remember to also take a moment to reflect on what we have, on the things and people we might not always acknowledge but are always grateful for. And fill our life-joy tank to full so we can push on each day doing our best for the right reasons.







滋賀シアターアーツトレーニングセンタースタッフ テアヒ

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